Customer Testimonials

At Baba Beauty Lounge, our beauty treatments and service receive welcome praise from customers, either directly after their treatment or via reviews on third party booking sites and our Facebook page.

Read what some of them are saying…


"Lovely and relaxing as always. Robust pedicure, makes your feet feel like they've had a workout. And a back massage chair included, added bonus"

Shellie - Treatwell Verified - visited September 2015


"Jessy has been absolutely fantastic on my second visit to her salon. She pays attention to detail and listens to what you want. I was a little concerned as I normally have the same lady do my eyebrows every time and this was the first time she did them. I was very satisfied with the results she even dyed them to the colour that she suggested and looked fantastic! Unfortunately I made her late for her next client!!! So I apologise again!! 10/10 thanks a lot and will be back soon! "  

- Mickymai - Treatwell Verified - visted September 2015


"The beauty therapist was very friendly and reassuring. She made sure she told me what she was doing before she did anything and she was very professional. I have had Hollywood waxes before and the therapist clearly knew what she was doing and was very efficient. The location of the store was great, the salon looked clean and modern and it was a very competitive price considering the central location. I shall definitely be returning."

- Victoria - Treatwell Verified - Visited September 2015


"My eyebrows look fantastic. I am not new to threading but this salon was much better than the other places I have been. With very friendly service and listening to me as the customer when I asked for not thin eyebrows, I would definitely come back to have my eyebrows threaded again."

-Lindsey - Treatwell Verified - Visited August 2015


"Would recommend to any friends; I was very nervous as had never been waxed before and my waxer did everything she could to ensure I was comfortable and relaxed. She made sure she went at a pace that I was comfortable with and described everything she was doing. I had planned for it to be a one time thing but having had such a good experience (as good as I could, considering I was being waxed), I'd happily return." 

- Anonomous - Treatwell Verified - Visted August 2015